Thursday, December 22, 2011


I am 14 weeks pregnant (26 weeks to go)! BabyBunny is about the size of a lemon and weighs nearly 43 grams. This is the beginning of the second trimester. The top of the uterus is a bit above the pubic bone.

BabyBunny is stretching out. The body's growing faster than the head, which now sits upon a more distinct neck. Hands and feet are more flexible and active.

The liver starts making bile this week and the spleen starts helping in the production of red blood cells. Kidneys are producing urine, which released into the amniotic fluid around him (a process he'll keep up until birth). An ultra-fine, downy covering of hair (lanugo) starts to develop all over the body.

BabyBunny can now squint, frown, grimace (thanks to brain impulses), pee, grasp, and suck his thumb! /BabyCenter/

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