Monday, January 31, 2011

New hope?

My period is due today and I don't have any symptoms!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Smear test

Today I went to the GP for a smear test as I haven't done any in the past 6 years. I drew the doctor's attention to that I may be pregnant. She said it is safe to do the test anyway. When she asked for my LMP (last menstrual period) she said that we do not know yet. Yeah, that is why I am saying it. I can be 10 days pregnant!

Friday, January 21, 2011

To get a girl or a boy

How is gender determined is a mystery. The life finds its balance. There are countless old wife tales on how, when and where to do the making. Well, I do not believe that making love in boots (the male wearing it) will produce a boy, but I do believe that nutrition can bring the scales closer to what a heart desire.

To those who want nature in their favour here are some tips, but results can't be garanteed however. Please report back with your experiments, I am curious to know how it works out for ya ;-)

X (female) sperm prefer more acidic conditions (pH of the vaginal environment), so eat calcium- and magnesium-rich foods like dairy, nuts, pulses, chocolate, spinach, while Y (male) sperm fare better in alkaline conditions, so you need more sodium and potassium like salty meat products, banana, rice and pasta (says Rana Conway).

To get a boy:
- shows a link between higher energy intake around the time of conception and the birth of sons;
- eating high-calorie foods and consuming a lot of calories in general;
- high levels of glucose encourage the growth of male embryos while inhibiting female embryos;
- strong correlation between women eating breakfast cereals and producing sons (skipping breakfast depress glucose levels);
- eat plenty of salty food, bananas, vegetables, lots of breakfast cereal and lots of food in general;
- a nutrient-poor diet could be less favourable to a male embryo;
- avoid foods like cheese, legumes and yogurt;
- acidic: calcium-and magnesium-rich foods: dairy products, nuts, legumes, chocolate, spinach;
- alkaline: more sodium and potassium, salty meat, bananas, rice and pasta;

To get a girl:
- do the opposite of what is written above;

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Busy little bees

Calculating back my last ovulation: we stopped trying 3 days earlier. November: it was 3 days late when we tried. The sperms can live for 3 days, and in a good condition for up to 5. The egg lives around 12 hours only, so the little fellows must be waiting for her in the fallopian tube where the conception takes place. I must admit I previously thought it happens in the womb.

Making a baby can be tiring. For five days in a row, for 1-3 times a day especially is. My calculated ovulation is well in the middle. Three days before and 3 days after, we couldn't miss it this time. I couldn't feel much down there by the end!

Staying in bed, legs up for half an hour could do the trick. I want a boy for the fist one to be so I avoid dairy (calcium-rich food), I ate lots of bananas and lemon (freshly squeezed, diluted in water) for a week for alkaline conditions. Pregnacare Conception does not contain calcium.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Maybe this time, this time...

About giving more time... Well, I couldn't. Yesterday I ended up buying two more tests (First Response and Accurate this time). Who could wait?!

As the first pee of the morning is the most concentrated it has more chance to detect the early level of hCG, so I was sure this is the key. This time instead of peeing on a stick I used the dipping method (collected the urine in a clean, dry cup then immersed the entire absorbent tip in it for the prescribed time). Always read the leaflet! I peed and I dipped, then I placed the test on a flat surface with the result window facing up and went to have breakfast.

After waiting the prescribed time we both rushed back to the bathroom to read the result. Well, dipping in the first pee still brought a negative. Disappointing. Maybe the level of the hormone is still too low to detect, I calmed both of us. The breakfast went on in silence. Husband went back for a few times to double-check it, again and again. It seemed he was more disappointed then I was. It was heart-breaking to see him like that. He went to work with no smile on his face. It was sad to see. A dream was broken in his eyes.

Around 10 in the morning I was so tempted to use the other kind of test. It was negative too. Bloody hell! How annoying!

Knock, knock! Who is it? Your period! Just great! Around midday my period started. The hope is dead.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


My period was due today and there was no sign of it! Oh boy, o'boy, I was so excited! In the afternoon I went to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test (Clearblue). Two tests were in it. I used the first one right away. It was negative. Then later I used the second one as well. It was negative too. Not to worry, I said. The hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) hormone is still low. Let's give it a few days, shall we.