Thursday, October 27, 2011


I am 6 weeks pregnant (34 weeks to go!). BabyBunny is about the size of a lentil bean. Bunny's tiny heart is beating!!

No significant change in appetite. I wish I would not have to eat! All food is unattractive. Even just thinking of food or thinking of eating stirs up my stomach.

Diarrhoea every morning...

My right breast more painful than the other. My nipples become extra-sensitive. Both of them hardened all the time.

Housekeeping is worst than ever. Loading the washing machine is all I did in the past week around the house. Shame on me!

Deep inside I am happy that I am pregnant. I know it will end when the first three months are behind me. I am keep telling to myself it is a good sign, it is a good sign, you just have to survive, just hang on for a few more weeks...

Monday, October 24, 2011

Survive the day

Over the weekend nothing has changed. On Sunday we went to the pharmacy to ask if there is a safe medication for nausea in pregnancy. There is non, said the pharmacist. Desperate! Seven more weeks of this, at best, if not longer. How am I going to survive this dreadful condition? I know I am not the first one, not the only one but this doesn't give me comfort. Why should it?

Ginger, said the pharmacist. It just doesn't work for me. I tried it fresh, crystallized, pickled, no luck. Ginger biscuit don't work either. So I got the 'Comfort Bands' from TravelBlue. Even if it eases my all-day-nausea by half that would be great.

We posted the new registration form to the hospital. It doesn't make sense but they asked for it. I had to sign three papers, one of these were the religion and ethnicity statement. 2011!! I fear that I can be underprivileged as this country is catholic and I am not. My religion should be my private thing. And asking about ethnicity I just think it is so distinctive! By not sending back this form they won't accept my registration. How nice!

I enclosed a letter requesting for an early scan. I am hoping for a scan around 8 weeks.

Only a veggie Subway sandwich was the only nice thing about Saturday. I know, I know that I should be eating healthy with a varied diet but I just happy that I still can eat and keep it down. Small burps and winds kept me happy for the day.

Sunday I couldn't leave the apartment. Nausea seems to worsen. I could manage a grapefruit for breakfast. I stayed in PJs all day lying in bed and endure. Poor DH, he has to run the house around me. I no longer make dinner for him. He has to eat what he finds in the fridge. But he's not a lost man I have to say.

I had a few hours release of my dreaded nausea. Band? Plenty of water? An apple was nice, and an orange, and some tangerines too.

Today is 5+4. Diarrhoea every morning for the past seven days. Weak tummy. Almost trembling. My breath is terrible, almost throw up brushing my teeth this morning.

Housekeeping? I cannot stand the kitchen since last TUE. No cooking, no washing up, no washing, no ironing, no cleaning. Everything is a mess. Now, when the hygiene is crucial and the good nutrition and balanced diet is vital I follow neither. I am just happy to survive each day. But I feel guilty about it, very guilty! Still around 7 more weeks to go of this misery. How am I going to cope? The peek of the hCG hormone (what causes the nausea) is just yet to come at 8-11 weeks. Help me!

Before the nausea started I constipated even with the usual portion of porridge for breakfast. Now I cannot stand the porridge. My nostrils feels like grow narrow over the past few days. My lips are chapped just like the last time. I feel my upper tummy is on fire, burning inside like a nice, slow fireplace. I look sick in the mirror with a yellowish-greenish face. My breasts are still tender and hurtful on the sides but it started to ease a little, in addition my nipples begin to feel super-sensible. My sleep improved though. Before finding out the BFP I woke up around 4am every morning, and the sleepiness was gone, I felt restive and nervous inside my chest for no reason. Now I sleep the nigh through except one little trip to the loo.

With all these bad symptoms I know that I should be happy. The miracle has happened. No hCG hormone – no pregnancy possible. This keeping me sane.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


I am 5 weeks pregnant (35 weeks to go!!). BabyBunny is about the size of a sesame seed.

Events so far:
16 SEP - LMP
26 SEP - ovulation (?)
5&6 OCT - spotting (implantation bleeding)
12 OCT - BFP
18 OCT - lost appetite, all-day-nausea
19 OCT - GP (EDD 21/06/12, 55 kg, BP 134/80)
20 OCT - 5+0

Today is the third day of 'sick-all-day' started on TUE morning (4+5) with a complete loss of appetite. On that evening I made DH to stare at me. For dinner I had a sandwich: multi-grain bread, cottage cheese, feta cheese and KETCHUP on top. You should have seen his face. On that evening only ketchup (low salt, low sugar) was the only truly sympathetic component.

Yesterday ketchup sill seemed very sympathetic but today it is a no-no too. Nothing is desirable, no food sounds appealing, not one of my old favourites! I am miserable.

Diarrhoea and chills daily...

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

GP for confirmation

We went to the GP this morning. No, not to the previous one, I have chosen a new one, a younger, a more sympathetic one. She could be around my age.

She wanted to sign me to a different hospital because all her patients go there but I said the old one from my January pregnancy will do. They know my history. I hope for an earlier scan around week 8.

I showed the supplements what I took in pre-conception (Pregnacare and MorDHA) and what I am taking now (Prenatal Nutrients from Solgar and MumOmega). No vitamin C or Prebio7 this time, I was afraid to take. She said no extra vitamin C but she gave a green light to the probiotics.

I also asked about herbal teas. She said that camomile and peppermint are OK. When I asked about exercise she said no need for it. I was surprised as all I hear how positive to exercise during pregnancy for mummy and baby alike.

I peed in a container. She checked it but did not say a thing about it so I presume all is good. I am officially pregnant!

Today's measures were weight: 54.5 kg, blood pressure: 134/80 (systolic/diastolic). She did not measure my BMI. My new EDD: 21/06/2012. 21st of June just days away from my BD ;-))

What are the symptoms? Some breast pain and since yesterday morning lost appetite and all day lasting mild nausea.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Hoping for a boy

I am more calm and optimistic and generally very positive about this pregnancy. I feel this inside. I know it is going to happen this time and in summer next year I will have a healthy, cute, beautiful, adorable baby. I hope for a boy. I cannot imagine myself as I girl-mom. I like blues, greens, and browns, anything but pink. I do not like princesses, or tulle skirts, or girlish stuff. But sex doesn't matter only health is important!

The irony is, I already found the perfect name for a girl :-D)))

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Second HPT

In confirmation of the yesterday's BFP I used the second test this morning and no surprise it was a + again. Yep, definitely pregnant ;-))


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ovulation Calendar (7) - try No.3 and BFP

This period was a very exciting one. First the 'busy bee project' (we did our very best!!), then the signs and little symptoms which made today's outcome possible, the BFP!

Probably many of you know the feeling that you want to shout it out to the whole world and to keep it in secret at the same time. I want for the whole world to know and I want to hide and cherish my precious little secret.

The signs were unmistakable. After ovulation on the first Sunday (one week) uncomfortable breasts, which from the second Sunday (two weeks) are constant, plus the occurring 'spotting' 9 days after ovulation. I did not have 'implantation bleeding' in January, so I took it as a very good sign.

I DID NOT expect my period today, and after this morning's arisen temperature I couldn't help and I did a HPT, and it was a BFP straight away!! It was a confirmation what I already knew, I am pregnant again.

There was the question, should I call DH and tell him the long awaited sweet news, or just send him a text message with a + sign, or just wait impatiently until he comes home and let him discover the wonder. Eventually I chose to wait. I left the test in the bathroom so when he comes home and goes in to wash his hands he will find it.

When he arrived his first question was Did you pee on a stick? I did not answer, said something else. He asked me few more times but I couldn't hide the smile on my face. He knew then that the answer is YES and POSITIVE.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My original EDD... today, 11th of October. How do I feel about this? I am still angry. Angry to my GP for that flu jab and angry to myself for letting it happen. With a categoric NO I could have a baby by now. But who is to blame nobody knows.