Thursday, December 29, 2011


I am 15 weeks pregnant (25 weeks to go)! BabyBunny is about the size of an apple, weighs about 71 grams, and just over 10 cm long (crown to rump).

BabyBunny can move all of his joints and limbs. He is busy moving amniotic fluid through the nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in the lungs begin to develop. Although his eyelids are still fused shut, he can sense light. He is forming taste buds! /BabyCenter/

Thursday, December 22, 2011


I am 14 weeks pregnant (26 weeks to go)! BabyBunny is about the size of a lemon and weighs nearly 43 grams. This is the beginning of the second trimester. The top of the uterus is a bit above the pubic bone.

BabyBunny is stretching out. The body's growing faster than the head, which now sits upon a more distinct neck. Hands and feet are more flexible and active.

The liver starts making bile this week and the spleen starts helping in the production of red blood cells. Kidneys are producing urine, which released into the amniotic fluid around him (a process he'll keep up until birth). An ultra-fine, downy covering of hair (lanugo) starts to develop all over the body.

BabyBunny can now squint, frown, grimace (thanks to brain impulses), pee, grasp, and suck his thumb! /BabyCenter/

Thursday, December 15, 2011

First Appointment and Dating Scan

13+0 today and I had my First Appointment at the chosen hospital (it is in 20-25 minutes walking distance).

First I was seen by a midwife where we sat in a little room with a computer and she was asking questions and taking notes about medical conditions, family history. DH wasn't allowed to come in (he was sent out and told to wait outside) as it is a private and highly confidential conversation, the midwife said. Well, what could be more confidential than a husband and a wife having a baby?!? Together. Two makes a baby not one.

From my LMP the midwife calculated my (new) EDD: 22.06.2012. She said my GP made a mistake and I am 12+6 today not 13+0.

Then I was sent to have blood test done. My weight is 52.5 kg (as many scales, as many different measuring), MBI 19.8, blood pressure: 120/80.

Finally the Dating Scan. The scan put me on 14+0 and gave me a new EDD: 14.06.2012. BabyBunny is a week (or 8 days in that matter) ahead. The sonographer said that I miscalculated my ovulation and I conceived much earlier than I thought. Well, I maybe miscalculated my ovulation but with the scheduled (and recorded) Baby Dance I know exactly that it is not possible to conceive a week earlier. Simple reason no sperm, no conception.

So what to do now? Jump a week ahead and skip a week or stay with my LMP dates? I think I will stick to my LMP schedule and count as I am 13+0 today.


I am 13 weeks pregnant (27 weeks to go)! BabyBunny is about the size of a medium shrimp and weighs nearly 28 grams. This is the last week of the first trimester.

Fingerprints have formed on BabyBunnys tiny fingertips. Veins and organs are clearly visible through the still-thin skin. The body is starting to catch up with the head. If BabyBunny is a girl, she now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries. /BabyCenter/

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Nuchal Translucency Screening

12+5 today and we had the scheduled Nuchal Translucency Scan and Blood Test at the (different) hospital. We heard that Prof. M. is the expert in this area. Arriving, filling up some paperwork, and a bit of waiting before the scan...

We haven't been seen by Prof. M. but by some other doctor. She was yung(ish enough). While performing the scan she was dead silent and from time to time she shook her head and frown which made me very uneasy. When I asked her why she's not commenting what she is seeing, It is not customary - she replied briefly. Well, this made me even more uncomfortable. The scanning took too long to my perception. Silent and long. It was around half and hour or forty minutes and she left the room without saying anything.

Next came the blood test and weight measurement (51.8 kg).

Results will be sent to my address within 2 days. Hoping for the best!

Thursday, December 8, 2011


I am 12 weeks pregnant (28 weeks to go)! BabyBunny is about the size of a lime and weighs about 14 grams.

His intestines will start to move into his abdominal cavity about now, and his kidneys will begin excreting urine into his bladder. Eyes have moved from the sides to the front of his head, and his ears are right where they should be. Nerve cells are multiplying rapidly!

The uterus has grown to the point where your healthcare provider can now feel the top of it (the fundus) low in your abdomen, just above your pubic bone. /BabyCenter/

This is a big mark, 12 weeks are done!

There is no change in symptoms (yet), still nauseous, still feeling queasy. Hip pain from numbed sides during the nights, some nasal congestion...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Midwife visit (GP)

11+6 today and I had my first midwife visit this morning at my GP. She checked the urine sample (clear), took my blood pressure (normal, 120/80), measured my weigh (51.1 kg, and this is more likely than the 54.5 kg), but she did not listen to BabyBunny's heartbeat with the Fetal Doppler because she said that it is too early for that. Is it??

Thursday, December 1, 2011


I am 11 weeks pregnant (29 weeks to go!!). BabyBunny is about the size of a fig. Some of his bones are beginning to harden, and tiny tooth buds are beginning to appear under his gums. Bunny is already busy kicking and stretching. His diaphragm is forming.

I am still nauseous (and a bit worn out by this). The all-day-nausea still makes it impossible for me to eat a wide variety of healthy foods. I hope my appetite will return soon so Bunny can have a good source of everything he needs to grow and to be well nourished.

I starting to get a bit emotional, almost cried when an ambulance car passed me early this week.

Sleepless early mornings continue, diarrhoea continues but more and more 'spiced up' with mild constipation. These little discomforts are the 'side-effects' and I won't remember them when I finally hold my Bunny in my arms.