Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I do not believe it!

7+6 today. Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is back!! Just what I needed to cheer up my nausea!

Yesterday evening I started to feel that tingling sensation on my bottom lip and a tiny blister came out just before bed. This morning I woke up with a burning, itching, swelled, giant blister almost in the middle of the bottom lip. Unbelievable! It was only in July that I had cold sores. I did not expect it so soon as I thought the antibodies are doing their job. It's not even four months since the last outbreak which lasted more than two weeks!!

I was so worried all night. I couldn't sleep much and woke up at 4am. I hope Bunny is safe. He should be safe. Must be safe!! I do not want to loose him, again.

I called my GP first thing this morning. She said that it does not effect my pregnancy and there is oral medication for it. Is that safe I asked. She said that they usually do not give it to pregnant women. Why to mention then?? She said that I can use Zovirax as the absorption through the skin is minimum, plus the book says there is not known harmful effect. It wasn't really convincing so I decided not to put anything on it (just to ease any discomfort). Not even salt paste!!

Some forum mentioned that Abreva, Valtrex, or Blistex is safe. Who knows really!?! There is not enough research when it comes to pregnancy and the first trimester is so vulnerable. I will just wait it out as it will start to heal on its own within a few days. Not sure about lysine (an amino acid) supplement either. I may try to apply ice to the sore. Frequent hand washing, plenty of water, vitamin C rich fruits.

The virus stays in my body for life and there is no cure. Hormonal changes like pregnancy trigger a cold sore...

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