Thursday, June 7, 2012


I am 38 weeks pregnant (2 weeks to go)!! BabyBunny weighs around 3000 grams, and measures over 49.5 cm (head to heel), like a leek.

BabyBunny's organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb. /BabyCenter/

Two more weeks left! I can't believe it! Where did the time fly?? Where did the past 38 weeks go? I still clearly remember reaching the milestones at 12th, 13+6, 20th, 24th, 28th, 32nd, and 36th weeks. Tow more weeks and finally I will hold my precious cargo in my ever loving arms. Can't wait!!

I am wondering when Bunny will make the appearance. She is 38 weeks by me (LMP) but 39 weeks according to the hospital (dating scan). Curious, which time is Bunny following...

The lower arching of my bump (just above my bikini-line) is more prominent, Bunny makes her way down, every day a little deeper. Sometimes just with tiny pushings, sometimes with strong, sharp pain.

She worries me more than amuses with her daily hiccups. I am still trying to find the comfortable position to easy her inconvenience. The 6-8 minutes are back to 20. Lying down doesn't help, getting on all fours not makes them shorter.

I can still fit a decent amount of food into my belly. Looks like the last few weeks with a bird's diet is not for me. I can enjoy whatever I like. What I really like is raw, juicy fruits and vegetables, like strawberries, cucumber, radish, pepper, tomato, green salad leaves, apples, oranges, grapefruit, kiwi, raspberries, blueberries, mango, papaya, you name it.

Household cleaning is on hold, from my part anyway. The chores are mostly on DH. He cooks and does the dishes, hoovers, shops for grocery, cleans the bathroom. I do the laundry. Setting the washing machine is not a problem but ironing is a different story...

With a daily probiotic supplementation and natural probiotic yogurt 'treatment' the itching (and whitened out vulva) is gone. I used the canesten cream just only twice (purely out of fear). I did not want to mess with it while Bunny is inside. They did not ring me back from the hospital with the swab so I take it that nothing grew under the microscope. I suspect it was the panty-liner. The skin got irritated. I am not using it 24/7 anymore just when I go out but at home no more panty-liners for me, rather changing damp panties often as I did previously early in pregnancy.

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