This period was a very exciting one. First the 'busy bee project' (we did our very best!!), then the signs and little symptoms which made today's outcome possible, the BFP!
Probably many of you know the feeling that you want to shout it out to the whole world and to keep it in secret at the same time. I want for the whole world to know and I want to hide and cherish my precious little secret.
The signs were unmistakable. After ovulation on the first Sunday (one week) uncomfortable breasts, which from the second Sunday (two weeks) are constant, plus the occurring 'spotting' 9 days after ovulation. I did not have 'implantation bleeding' in January, so I took it as a very good sign.
I DID NOT expect my period today, and after this morning's arisen temperature I couldn't help and I did a HPT, and it was a BFP straight away!! It was a confirmation what I already knew, I am pregnant again.
There was the question, should I call DH and tell him the long awaited sweet news, or just send him a text message with a + sign, or just wait impatiently until he comes home and let him discover the wonder. Eventually I chose to wait. I left the test in the bathroom so when he comes home and goes in to wash his hands he will find it.
When he arrived his first question was Did you pee on a stick? I did not answer, said something else. He asked me few more times but I couldn't hide the smile on my face. He knew then that the answer is YES and POSITIVE.
Probably many of you know the feeling that you want to shout it out to the whole world and to keep it in secret at the same time. I want for the whole world to know and I want to hide and cherish my precious little secret.
The signs were unmistakable. After ovulation on the first Sunday (one week) uncomfortable breasts, which from the second Sunday (two weeks) are constant, plus the occurring 'spotting' 9 days after ovulation. I did not have 'implantation bleeding' in January, so I took it as a very good sign.
I DID NOT expect my period today, and after this morning's arisen temperature I couldn't help and I did a HPT, and it was a BFP straight away!! It was a confirmation what I already knew, I am pregnant again.
There was the question, should I call DH and tell him the long awaited sweet news, or just send him a text message with a + sign, or just wait impatiently until he comes home and let him discover the wonder. Eventually I chose to wait. I left the test in the bathroom so when he comes home and goes in to wash his hands he will find it.
When he arrived his first question was Did you pee on a stick? I did not answer, said something else. He asked me few more times but I couldn't hide the smile on my face. He knew then that the answer is YES and POSITIVE.

oh my goodness - very exciting :) Sending you lots and lots of successful and happy vibes my dear xx
Thank you Lisa ;))
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