Here is my fertility chart for June. The story behind it is that in the first two weeks of the month we went on holidays. First few days to parents and for the rest of it to France. Paris, to be more precise. During visiting the parents both of us got sick. The weather wasn't summery at all. Or we caught something on the airplane. Either way we cough real bad within 2 or 3 days. Runny nose, constant coughing just two of the highlight. I stopped the charting as I couldn't stick to my usual 06:45. After returning home I started to chart again. Because of the missing data, the dots are linked with a dashed line. With this nice respiratory tract infection we thought it is best to postpone the trying, the BD (Baby Dance) as nothing good will come out of the past two weeks events. Besides it is not even three months sice my miscarriage.

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