Later this afternoon we took a little tour in the hospital just to get around familiar for the big day. With a guidance of a midwife we have visited the Admissions Office and the Assessment Unit (already familiar parts of the hospital), a Single Room in the Private Ward for private patients (I wasn't impressed), a Delivery Suite (it was nice, bright, spacious, well equipped) and the former Nursery, now Clinical Nursery where she brought in a six-hour-old. Dressed in pink velour onesie, the baby was tiny (although 3.3 kg), so cute and adorable. Can't wait to have mine!!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
I am 37 weeks pregnant (3 weeks to go), woohoo! BabyBunny is now full term!! Weighs around 2880 grams, and measures over 48 cm (head to heel), like a stalk of Swiss chard.
BabyBunny's lungs will likely be mature enough now to fully adjust to life outside the womb.
Braxton Hicks contractions may be coming more frequently now and may last longer and be more uncomfortable. An increase in vaginal discharge is common. The 'bloody show' (mucus tinged with a tiny amount of blood) means labor is probably a few days away — or less. /BabyCenter/
Prof. R.'s Clinic / Surgeon visit
With my gallbladder '?polyp' I finally got an appointment with the relevant hospital. The surgeon/doctor was very helpful and informative with good explanations. I felt myself in good hands. He suggested to wait 3 to 4 months after delivery, then an ultrasound scan will be performed to check and confirm if it is a stone or a polyp. In case of a stone if I am asymptomatic the stone will stay. In case of a polyp it will be evaluated and an operation will be performed to remove the gallbladder if necessary. The nurse took blood and I made a new appointment for September.
blood test,
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Hospital visit
36+6 today (37+6 according to Dating Scan). Another scheduled hospital visit this morning. The waiting wasn't so bad. Urine is clean, no sugar, no protein. Blood pressure is 'perfect' (118/75). Weight: 66.4 kg. BabyBunny is happy, growing well. Amniotic fluid is nice, plenty.
While I was waiting outside the doctor's door BabyBunny started to dance and my bump burst out like a billowy playground.
Symptoms/questions and comments/answers on this week's visit:
S: discharge still yellow(ish)
C: it's hormonal;
Q: Group B strep. test (GBC vaginal swab)?
A: not routinely done;
S: itchy labia majora (the top of the vulva), the skin is whitened out
C: yeast infection/thrush, very common;
the doctor took a swab and it will be checked under the microscope, meanwhile she told me to get a canestan cream in the pharmacy but use it only for a week;
S: hiccups - they are still frequent (noon, around 4pm, 8:35pm, 11pm, 1:3am just the last 12 hours for example), lasting from 15 to 20 minutes, but not so rhythmic anymore, there are 30 to 45 second gaps sin them sometimes; Q: what is normal in frequency and length?
C/A: there are no set parameters, do not worry about hiccups, we only worry if the baby is not moving;
S: baby movements - trembling/shivering-like movements once or twice a day for 3-4 seconds;
C: it's normal;
S: numb spot on tummy;
C: it's the stretching, normal;
Q: flowmetry (to measure microcirculatory blood flow in tissues - cord, placenta, oxygen, nutrition)?
Q: can I leak amniotic fluid while the mucus plug still there?
A: yes, if the fluid just dripping the mucus plug can stay there but there is a flow the plug will be loosen;
Q: raspberry leaf tea to tone the uterus?
A: no clinically proven results, but it won't do any harm;
Q: what is given and what is done (routinely) after a baby is born?
A: cutting the cod, putting the baby to skin-to-skin contact, some checking;
S: brown skin-growths on upper body mostly;
C: to be checked by a dermatologist after delivery;
I informed her that we gave it a try to perineal massage but it did not work for me eventually. I did not feel any burning sensation (DH was very gentle and careful). She said that there is no proven evidence that it can help avoid an episiotomy. In theory, yes.
amniotic fluid,
blood pressure,
urine sample,
vaginal swab,
Thursday, May 24, 2012
I am 36 weeks pregnant (4 weeks to go)! BabyBunny now weighs almost 2700 grams, like a crenshaw melon, and is more than 47 cm long.
Bunny is still packing on the grams, about 28 g day. She's shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered her body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected her skin during her nine-month amniotic bath. She swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture, called meconium, will form the contents of her first bowel movement. /BabyCenter/
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
GP visit
35+6 today. Another scheduled GP visit this morning. The nicer, kinder midwife is back. Good news, I can ask questions! Urine is clean, no sugar, no protein. Blood pressure is within normal limits (124/80). Fetal heartbeat is nice and loud. Weight: 64 kg.
Generally feeling well. Slightly puffed up feet, slightly stiff fingers but the blood pressure is fine so just a bit of water retention which is normal, she said. Some change in vaginal discharge: slight increase and more yellowish but the urine sample is clean so not to worry, she said. For the occasional sharp pain down in the lower abdomen also normal, and the strong, frequent Braxton Hicks' do not effect the baby (which I still doubt), she said.
Bunny received some extra vitamin D today as the sun was scorching on the way to and back.
Bunny received some extra vitamin D today as the sun was scorching on the way to and back.
blood pressure,
Braxton Hicks,
fetal heartbeat,
urine sample,
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
The bags are packed
• maternity notes (birth plan);
• an old t-shirt (nightshirt);
• a pair of socks (feet can get cold in labour);
• light snacks, bottled water (yet to be sorted out);
• baby vest, grow, hat;
• wide opening nightshirts or pyjamas (if breastfeeding);
• nursing bra (if breastfeeding);
• breast pads;
• maternity (sanitary) towel (2 packs);
• disposable or old knickers (for after the birth);
• dark coloured towels (2-3), face cloth;
• flip flops (for the shower);
• dressing gown and slippers;
• own pillow in coloured pillow case (if desired);
• toiletries, tissues;
• wet wipes and pocket size alcohol gel;
• camera, mobile phone charger;
• pen and paper (for taking notes);
• long-sleeved baby grows (x6);
• vests (x6);
• a cardigan;
• a hat;
• a pair of scratch mittens;
• baby towel;
• baby blanket;
• bibs / burp cloths;
• pack of nappies (newborn size);
• pack of cotton wool;
All baby clothes, towels should be pre-washed!
FOR GOING HOME (to be brought in on the day)
• clothes which fit you at 26 weeks;
• baby going home outfit;
• car seat
• maternity notes (birth plan);
• an old t-shirt (nightshirt);
• a pair of socks (feet can get cold in labour);
• light snacks, bottled water (yet to be sorted out);
• baby vest, grow, hat;
• wide opening nightshirts or pyjamas (if breastfeeding);
• nursing bra (if breastfeeding);
• breast pads;
• maternity (sanitary) towel (2 packs);
• disposable or old knickers (for after the birth);
• dark coloured towels (2-3), face cloth;
• flip flops (for the shower);
• dressing gown and slippers;
• own pillow in coloured pillow case (if desired);
• toiletries, tissues;
• wet wipes and pocket size alcohol gel;
• camera, mobile phone charger;
• pen and paper (for taking notes);
• long-sleeved baby grows (x6);
• vests (x6);
• a cardigan;
• a hat;
• a pair of scratch mittens;
• baby towel;
• baby blanket;
• bibs / burp cloths;
• pack of nappies (newborn size);
• pack of cotton wool;
All baby clothes, towels should be pre-washed!
FOR GOING HOME (to be brought in on the day)
• clothes which fit you at 26 weeks;
• baby going home outfit;
• car seat
hospital bag,
Thursday, May 17, 2012
I am 35 weeks pregnant (5 weeks to go)! BabyBunny now weighs about 2380 grams, like a honeydew melon, and over 45.7 cm long. The uterus now reaches up under your rib cage. There's more baby than amniotic fluid inside the womb now.
BabyBunny's kidneys are fully developed now, and the liver can process some waste products. Most of her basic physical development is now complete. Bunny will spend the next few weeks putting on weight. Because it's so snug in the womb, isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times she kicks should remain about the same. /BabyCenter/
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Bunny buggy has arrived
![]() |
bugaboo bee with maxi-cosi car seat alias 'bugabee' Bunny vehicle |
What was in the box:
• bugaboo bee chassis + wheels + seat unit
• sun canopy (black)
• cocoon (yellow)
• MaxiCosi cabriofix
• car seat adaptor
• foormuff (khaki)
Still waiting on:
• seat liner (orange)
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Thursday, May 10, 2012
I am 34 weeks pregnant (6 weeks to go)! BabyBunny now weighs about 2155 grams, like a cantaloupe, and almost 45.7 cm long.
BabyBunny's lungs are continuing to mature, and the central nervous system is maturing as well. Her fat layers (which will help regulate her body temperature once she's born) are filling her out, making her rounder and her skin smooths. /BabyCenter/
Thursday, May 3, 2012
I am 33 weeks pregnant (7 weeks to go)! BabyBunny weighs a little over 1800 grams, like a pineapple, and measures over 43 cm.
BabyBunnys rapidly losing that wrinkled look and his skeleton is hardening. The bones in his skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for him to fit through the birth canal. These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as his brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood. /BabyCenter/
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