I don't know about you but I needed some time to decode and get used to the abbreviations what are in use on pregnancy related forums. Here is a few, feel free to add more to this list:
A&E = Accident and Emergency Department
AF = Aunt Flow (period)
BBT = Basal Body Temperature
BFN = Big Fat Negative
BFP = Big Fat Positive
BIL = Brother In Law
BP = Blood Pressure
CM = Cervical Mucus
D&C = Dilation and Curettage (surgical procedure)
DD = Dear/Dearest/Darling Daughter
DH = Dear/Dearest/Darling Husband
DS = Dear/Dearest/Darling Son
DPO = Days Past Ovulation
ECV = External Cephalic Version (turning a breech baby during pregnancy)
EDD = Estimated/Expected Date of Delivery
EPU = Early Pregnancy Unit
ERPC = Evacuation of Retained Products of Conception
EWCM = Egg White Cervical Mucus
FHB = Foetal Hearth Beat
FIL = Father In Law
FMU = First Morning Urine
HPT = Home Pregnancy Test
HCG = Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (pregnancy hormone)
IF = Infertility
IVF = In Vitro Fertilisation
LMP = Last Menstrual Period
MC = Miscarriage
MIL = Mother In Law
MMC = Missed Miscarriage
MOH = My Other Half
O = Ovulation
OB = Obstetrician
OPK = Ovulation Predictor Kit
POAS = Pee On A Stick
SIL = Sister in Law
SO = Significant Other
TTC = Trying To Conceive
US = Ultrasound (Sonography)
VBAC = Vaginal Birth After C-section
A&E = Accident and Emergency Department
AF = Aunt Flow (period)
BBT = Basal Body Temperature
BFN = Big Fat Negative
BFP = Big Fat Positive
BIL = Brother In Law
BP = Blood Pressure
CM = Cervical Mucus
D&C = Dilation and Curettage (surgical procedure)
DD = Dear/Dearest/Darling Daughter
DH = Dear/Dearest/Darling Husband
DS = Dear/Dearest/Darling Son
DPO = Days Past Ovulation
ECV = External Cephalic Version (turning a breech baby during pregnancy)
EDD = Estimated/Expected Date of Delivery
EPU = Early Pregnancy Unit
ERPC = Evacuation of Retained Products of Conception
EWCM = Egg White Cervical Mucus
FHB = Foetal Hearth Beat
FIL = Father In Law
FMU = First Morning Urine
HPT = Home Pregnancy Test
HCG = Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (pregnancy hormone)
IF = Infertility
IVF = In Vitro Fertilisation
LMP = Last Menstrual Period
MC = Miscarriage
MIL = Mother In Law
MMC = Missed Miscarriage
MOH = My Other Half
O = Ovulation
OB = Obstetrician
OPK = Ovulation Predictor Kit
POAS = Pee On A Stick
SIL = Sister in Law
SO = Significant Other
TTC = Trying To Conceive
US = Ultrasound (Sonography)
VBAC = Vaginal Birth After C-section